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天然方法抗家居潮濕 (上) | Natural Ways To Remove Mold From Home (Part 1)

天然方法抗家居潮濕(上) Natural Ways To Remove Mold From Home (Part 1) 炎炎夏日,外熱內冷的環境造成溫差,牆身或地板很容易凝成水珠,令傢俱、牆壁發霉。在潮濕的環境裏,牆身出現黑色的漬或小黑點,這就是發霉。你可能會想﹕買一部抽濕機就好了,放在家裏甚麼都不用想! 是的,這的確是個不錯的方法,但問題是一部抽濕機能抽乾家裏每一個角落嗎? 難道要一直沒完沒了地把抽濕機搬來搬嗎? 其實,只要運用一點小技巧,就可以令家居抵抗潮濕天氣,而且方法天然,不會對身體造成影響。 很多人會選用漂白水去漬,這個方法雖然有效,可是它的氣味濃烈,而且長時間使用會對呼吸道造成刺激。一些天然的方法也可以帶來相同的效果,而且最重要的是不會帶來健康的隱憂。天然的材料如白醋、梳打粉加水和酒精也可以用來擦拭牆身,先把它們噴灑在牆身,靜待15至20分鐘,以乾淨的抹布清潔餘下的霉漬,必要時可再加以輕力洗刷,直至霉漬被完全清除為止。切記不要只用濕毛巾直接抹去牆上的水珠,因為這個方法只會增加牆壁濕度,增加更多的霉漬。 Do you often struggle with high humidity levels at home? Humidity can be incredibly uncomfortable and it can even lead to health problems in some cases. Luckily, there are some ways you can keep humidity levels at home low and make your environment more comfortable. Here are some tips on how to do it:  1. Use an Air Conditioner - Air conditioners are a great way to control humidity levels at home. Air conditioners work by removing excess moisture from the air, so they can help keep humidity at the desired level.  2. Invest in a Dehumidifier - If air conditioning isn't an option for you, consider investing in a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers help absorb moisture from the air and can keep the humidity levels low in a more natural way.  3. Ventilate Your Home - Opening windows and other areas that let fresh air into the home can help keep humidity levels down. In fact, having fresh air circulating in your home can even help keep mold and mildew away.  4. Dry Clothes Outdoors - Clothes dryers are a common cause of indoor humidity, so consider drying your clothes outside whenever possible. It'll be a nice break from the indoors and you won't have to worry about indoor humidity levels getting too high.  5. Keep the Bathroom Doors Closed - Bathrooms tend to produce a lot of humidity, so try to keep the doors closed when you're not in the room.  Following these simple tips can help keep your home's humidity levels at a comfortable level. Good luck and stay comfortable! Ziinlife Design Showroom606 Eastcore Kwun Tong